Carmichael Ostomy Association, ASG of UOAA

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 Home Page

  • The purpose of this website is to provide easy access to our monthly newsletters and to provide encouragement, education and support for all association members and providers.
  • The monthly Meeting times and places for the Carmichael and Placerville Ostomy Associations can be found under the Events button.
  • "Articles" contains articles that can be very helpfull for all health problems.
  • The "Newsletter" button will take you to the current and past newsletters which represents news and information provided by both associations. Newsletters are no longer mailed out.
  • The "Essentials" button has articles with essential information, links to Ostomy Supplies, and information on other Ostomy Associations.
  • The "links" button will contain links to various Ostomy articles or websites that may be of interest.
Co-President....................: Donna Gutierrez 916-765-4725 (Main Contact)
Co-President....................: Beth Kalbus 916-488-4326
Treasurer...........................: Dave Bories 916-541-0655
Newsletter Contact.........: Linda Fleig ---- 916-267-5504
Proof Reader / Secretary: Loretta Halpin
Web Master......................: Bob Halpin ----